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13. May, 2024

At Unique Human Capital, we believe that responsible and attentive recruitment is not just a trend but a practice that all clients and candidates should experience through collaboration with a consultancy firm. Our approach to recruitment is deeply rooted in our active choices of Responsibility, Business Understanding, Quality and Human...

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20. March, 2024

Since 2022, Unique Human Capital has represented AIMS International in Denmark, where we have assisted both global companies in finding Danish talent and Danish companies in finding international talent. With our global recruitment experts, we help our clients at both global and local levels. The need for skilled leaders and...

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23. February, 2024

You are about to hire a new employee for a key role in your company. But how do you find the perfect match among many talented candidates? What competencies should you attribute to the candidate profile to meet your needs and desires? In an ever-shifting and competitive job market, it...

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Do I belong to a company providing functional expertise, or do I belong to a function providing subject matter expertise to a company?

16. March, 2023

For years, feeling a primary belonging to the professional function rather than the company offering employment has been a growing tendency. The COVID disruption leading to remote/hybrid working conditions and the presence of online communities have accelerated the tendency. Key to feeling a sense of belonging is that individuals are...

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Kontrakten er underskrevet, men hvordan forbereder du herefter bedst muligt din nye direktør til at træde ind i stillingen og få succes? Sker der allerede noget nu, hvor vi venter på, at hun/han træder ind ad døren?

24. January, 2023

Selvom vi gennem processen vedr. ansættelse af en ny direktør præsenterer kandidater for den rekrutterende virksomhed og derigennem har en dialog om forventninger til den første tid i stillingen, og kandidaten har fortalt om sin motivation for jobbet, referencer er trukket m.m., vil der være behov for at gå dybere...

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3. November, 2022

  Hos Unique Human Capital gør vi os mange tanker vedr. bæredygtighed, og hvordan vi som virksomhed kan tænke det ind i forskellige aspekter. Vi har derfor valgt at indgå et samarbejde med Plantepakken, så vores lykønskningsgave til vores rekrutterede kandidater bliver mere bæredygtig fremadrettet. I stedet for at sende den...

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Unique Human Capital A/S
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cvr: 31502705
Jægersborg Alle 4
2920 Charlottenlund
Skelagervej 375E
9000 Aalborg
Christiansgade 30
8000 Aarhus C
We are more than 200 people who work with knowledge, creativity and technology
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